If you can share our poster on your social media, club newsgroup or a public location you can download it from here.

If you have a suitable location where our A6 handbills could be displayed we can arrange to get these to you. We can be contacted via our Facebook page.

We also have our distinctive red ‘Pull-ups’ (as seen in the below pictures) which we supply to some, tourism venues, shops, model railway traders and other exhibitors to advertise the event.

Publicity Stand / Modelling Demonstration

Throughout the year we attend a variety of model shows and public events to both publicise our event and demonstrate a variety of modelling skills, scales and genres. If you would like us to attend your event we can be contacted via our facebook page, or simply by chatting to us at another show.

Above is our stand for 2 persons on this occasion at Leeds MRE. Here we were demonstrating DCC programming of ON30 locomotives and scratch building in 1:148th scale.

A smaller stand set-up in the classroom of a one day show in Staffordshire. The modelling focused on scratch built track in N Gauge on this occasion. Here we provided all our own kit including tables.